If you are unable to sign up or sign into your NBCUniversal Profile on NBCNews.com, please try one of the following suggestions:
- It says my email has "already been registered" when I try to sign up - Your NBCU Profile uses the email address, Facebook profile or Google account that you entered when signing up as its unique identifier. As such, you'll have to use that method to sign in (at this time). For example, if you signed up via Facebook, you'll always have to sign in via Facebook and cannot sign in with your email or Google account.
- It says "unknown email address or incorrect password" when I try to sign in - First, you may have signed up through your Facebook account and may need to sign in that way instead. However, if you did not sign up via Facebook, try resetting your password to your email login.*
- I want to reset my password - If you want to reset your password, try resetting it here: nbc.com/request-password.* If you don't receive an email, please check your spam folder. It may also be possible you registered with a different email.
*If you do not get an email from the password reset, you may have used a different email or you may not have an NBCU account. To create one, use the sign-up screen. If you have a lesser-known domain name in your email address (first.last@thisisthedomain.com), try setting up an email address with a more well-known domain, like Gmail.
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